Executive Summary about Cliché by Wikipedia
A cliché may sometimes be used in a work of fiction for comedic effect. In printing, a cliché was a printing plate cast from movable type. "Cliché" came to mean such a ready-made phrase, is french comes from the sound when the matrix is dropped into molten metal to make a printing plate.
Most such phrases were originally striking, but they lost their force through overuse. A spoken cliché is often a vivid depiction of an abstract matter that works by means of analogy and exaggeration. When used sparingly and deliberately, a cliché can be used to great poetic effect.
Tweak a Cliché Into Something Original
Executive Summary about Cliché by Camy Tang
Utilize a writer's voice and brand, phrase additions, and key words to change clichéd phrases into fresh prose. Each writer has a unique way of cadence.
Often, your unique fiction niche can help you turn a cliché on its head. Utilize your own unique fiction brand to twist clichés into interesting turns of phrase.
He smelled something fishy.The cliché is well-known enough that the key word “fishy” will be sufficient to clue the reader into the meaning behind the cliché—that there’s something suspicious going on. ”Bro!” When you spot a cliché in your writing that is fairly well known, see if you can take a key word and rewrite the sentence around the key word rather than the entire cliché.
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